Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hiking Adventures

We went hiking today on a new road called Globe rd. It's a part
of NC we haven't explored yet! We found a snapping turtle on
the first path which Adam is holding and later in the leaves. We
also found a snail and some pretty butterflies! The last picture is
of the side of the hill that we had to climb down to get to the trail
at the bottom. You can barely see it, but it was worth getting down
to see some pretty waterfalls! It was a good day to go out exploring!


Vicki said...

you guys keep finding those great spots for our visit!!

The Fam said...

Did you have to climb it to get back out? Love the Iowa T-shirt!

LAURA said...

Yes.........but last night I went on that same hike with Chuck and Meghann and they showed me where the actual trail head is so we don't have to do that again!!!